David From NUMO Please note that the interview answers were edited as English is David’s secondary language. Powered by a 72V Samsung battery pack, Kelly controllers, and a titanium/aluminum frame, the 90 mph SLACK CORE 920R is one of the most anticipated performance electric scooters for 2022. According to industry […]
Engineers and designers started us with many years of experience. We design and make high-quality, innovative mobility platforms that meet the highest design, performance, and durability standards. In the past few years, we’ve worked with companies run by engineers and micro-mobility innovators. We want to be the leaders in the culture of electric mobility not just in Korea but all over the world. We will do this by promoting a culture of electric mobility and being proactive about safety.
NUMO Introduces the 90 MPH SLACK CORE, 72V Extreme Performance Electric Scooter
The SLACK CORE comes in 4 Variants (60V – 72V), 110 KMH to 145 KMH (68+ MPH, 74+ MPH, 90+ MPH) This article has been updated with the most recent information from NUMO. The model names and speed specs have been fixed. More info to come! We’re not kidding you, […]